Solution Component Types

Any importable CRM solution holds within the *.zip file a component named solution.xml. In order to edit this, you need a better understanding of the <RootComponent> nodes (type attribute). For a complete list of root component types, you can use the following SQL statement: SELECT AttributeValue as Type, Value as [Root Component] FROM StringMap WHERE… Continue reading Solution Component Types

Activity typed Entity – Display in Activity Menus

Upon creating a custom entity as Activity Entity and not checking the “Display in Activity Menus” option, there is no supported way to alter this. However, here is the unsupported approach (in SQL): UPDATE Entity SET ActivityTypeMask = 1 WHERE EntityId = (SELECT EntityId FROM Entity WHERE Name = ‘custom_entity_schema_name’) After this minor adjustment, a… Continue reading Activity typed Entity – Display in Activity Menus

View all registered Plugin Steps (SQL)

To view all the registered Plugin Steps (for all the plugins) in a single query, use the following SQL statement: SELECT T.PluginAssemblyIdName AS PluginName, AS StepName, S.description AS StepDescription, AS Action, AS Entity, CASE S.Stage WHEN 20 THEN ‘PRE’ WHEN 40 THEN ‘POST’ ELSE ‘OTHER’ END AS Stage, CASE S.StateCode WHEN 0… Continue reading View all registered Plugin Steps (SQL)

Fixing Ajax “No Transport” error

Sometimes, making an $.ajax request to a web service might return the “No Transport” error, if the web service is hosted in a different domain. To solve this issue, you need to set the CORS support on true: $.support.cors = true; before you make the $.ajax request and the following property on the request level:… Continue reading Fixing Ajax “No Transport” error