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Category: CRM 3.0
CRM 2011 – enable tracing
To enable tracing in CRM 2011, go to regedit.exe > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > MSCRM and add two new keys: TraceEnabled and TraceRefresh (both DWORD, value = 1)
Change CRM config database name
To make CRM point to a different config database, go to regedit.exe > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > MSCRM and change the value of configdb. Also, you’ll have to rename the MSCRM_CONFIG database in SQL Server.
MS CRM 3.0: Set email default font
Hello again, I’ve been working recently on a way to set the default font within the CRM 3.0 email message edit field. The default font is Tahoma 10, however, a different font was needed (in this code, Arial). From the 3 specified font families, Internet Explorer will use the first one available on the system. As… Continue reading MS CRM 3.0: Set email default font
Another way of loading certain CRM Views into an IFRAME on the main form
Since every CRM View has its own GUID and can be launched using the Advanced Find out-of-the-box functionality, you can follow several easy steps to load what view you want (with whatever additional filters you want) in a certain IFRAME available on the crmForm.Here’s the scenario: you wanna display your active contacts (My Active Contacts… Continue reading Another way of loading certain CRM Views into an IFRAME on the main form
CRM 3.0: Simple button next to a given field
Hello! The code below generates a simple button next to a given input field (let’s say, for instance, the Subject field on a task record). As simple as that. This is how a standard button is displayed by CRM. The basic magnifying glass on a lookup type field is an image from the standard images… Continue reading CRM 3.0: Simple button next to a given field
MS CRM 3.0 “Expected ‘}’” and “Object expected” errors
Hello, there 🙂 Have you ever encountered this situation? You write some decent, valid JS code, throw it inside a CRM field event box, Save & Close x2, publish, test, BAM!-error? Well, provided your code is actually correct (no logical, typing or access errors), you should check the next thing. In CRM 3.0 at least… Continue reading MS CRM 3.0 “Expected ‘}’” and “Object expected” errors
WSDL Error: “Schema item ‘element’ named ‘string’ from namespace ‘http://schemas.microsoft.com/crm/2006/WebServices’. […]”
Hey, Have you ever encountered the following error?“Schema item ‘element’ named ‘string’ from namespace ‘http://schemas.microsoft.com/crm/2006/WebServices’. The global element ‘http://schemas.microsoft.com/crm/2006/WebServices:string’ has already been declared.” That’s what I got when I update my webservice references. Totally nagging and a real pain. That error prevented me from being able to access all the custom fields I created on… Continue reading WSDL Error: “Schema item ‘element’ named ‘string’ from namespace ‘http://schemas.microsoft.com/crm/2006/WebServices’. […]”
How to extract Email attachments IDs (CRM 3.0)
Howdy, At some point, I was requested by a manager to extend the functionality of the email entity (multiplying the number of messages sent) and I came across the attachment side. The following function is my solution to the occurring issue: // Author: Octavian Cucuta ( octavian.cucuta [ AT ] gmail.com )// Release: (… Continue reading How to extract Email attachments IDs (CRM 3.0)
JavaScript code reuse in CRM
In most of the cases, you don’t want to copy-paste your custom methods in your CRM events source code each time you need them. So, here’s an easy approach on javascript code reuse in CRM. First of all, make sure you have these 2 files: LargeNumber.js and StringsExtended.js located in a custom folder – named… Continue reading JavaScript code reuse in CRM