Since every CRM View has its own GUID and can be launched using the Advanced Find out-of-the-box functionality, you can follow several easy steps to load what view you want (with whatever additional filters you want) in a certain IFRAME available on the crmForm.
Here’s the scenario: you wanna display your active contacts (My Active Contacts view) in a separate TAB on your account entity form.
– find out the id and objecttypecode of your view;
– create a new TAB and IFRAME on the form of the account entity;
– dynamically set the IFRAME URL as following: http://[crm_server_name]/[ORGANIZATION_NAME]/AdvancedFind/AdvFind.aspx?EntityCode=[CRM_VIEW_ENTITY_CODE]&QueryId=[CRM_VIEW_ID]&ViewType=1039&AutoRun=True (for our scenario, it would be something like http://CRMSERVER/MyOrganization/AdvancedFind/AdvFind.aspx?EntityCode=2&QueryId={FC3A5B78-1AA4-10C4-1234-12C45B78F01A}&AutoRun=True )
Warning: you must type “AutoRun=True” using this casing. lower/upper case won’t trigger the Advanced Find to auto run (and that because the parsing of that parameter is as it is).
There you go – your custom filtered view available anywhere you want on any form 🙂
Good to see you're still up for research. 🙂
Just couldn't let you get all the fun 🙂