CRM 2011 downloads

Here is an updated list of available CRM 2011 downloads. It is good practice to have these files on a portable drive but it’s also recommended to have an updated list of download links. Server: Outlook Client: Language Pack: Email Router: Report Extension: SharePoint List: Software Development Kit:… Continue reading CRM 2011 downloads

CWS Media for WPF

Long story short, this article teaches you how to easily implement skinning and language modules for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). To download the main xaml for WPF and the associated C# class, click here. All the required dll files can be downloaded by clicking here. For the required Skin Manager and Language Manager source files, click here. For… Continue reading CWS Media for WPF

MCC Award

Dear all, I’m glad to announce you that our staff has a new award: Microsoft Community Contributor: Thank you all for your support and encouragements.

CRM 2011 – Sharing records in IFRAME

Hello, Unfortunately, if you want to use the sharing dialog in an IFrame, you’ll receive several errors (most of them regarding _a.length object). To solve the issue, you can try the following workaround. It’s not supported, but it’s safe. Still, I recommend you backup any file before modifying it. Go to %programfiles%\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\CRMWeb\_grid\cmds and… Continue reading CRM 2011 – Sharing records in IFRAME

JavaScript Serial Number Generator

To generate a random serial number, based on a given mask, you can use the following code: // Serial Number Generator // Generates a random number in a certain interval function GenerateRandomNumber(min,max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max – min + 1)) + min; } // Generates a random alphanumberic character function GenerateRandomChar() { var chars… Continue reading JavaScript Serial Number Generator